
Day 15 - Last Day! Bettyhill to John O'Groats

We made it!! Such a tough day, headwinds all the way. Slow going. But we finally got here. What a ride!!! The headwinds meant that a simple 42 mile cycle took almost 8 hours! But there were a few 'occurrences' along the way too. Finally got in about 3.30pm after leaving at 7.30 am. Then after a few photos and a trip to the tat shop, we had to jump in the van & car and head to Stirling, where we've just enjoyed a celebratory curry and a few drinkies. And so to bed... night night all x

Day 14 - Lairg to Bettyhill (and beyond!)

Oh what a gorgeous day! Reluctantly left the beautiful Loch Shin where we'd made friends with the farmers, their dog, chooks and alpacas. Windy day, but got absolutely blown up the hill to The Crask Inn - a famous watering hole for LEJOGERS. Quick tea& cake then on to Altnaharrana and up Loch Naver. The scenery the whole way was absolutely beautiful and the road was v quiet and relaxed. After a fab picnic at Syre, we ploughed on to Bettyhill. A beautiful little town with stunning beaches. We checked in to the Bettyhill hotel, but decided to crack on for another hour along towards JOG, to shave a bit of time off tomorrow's ride. V tough and anxious hour, battling vicious head and side winds, and the crazy fast drivers were back in force. Not looking forward to more of that tomorrow, but we have prepared to leave v early whilst the winds and traffic are lighter.. next stop JOG baby!

Day 13 - Bunchrew to Lairg

Bid a rather tardy and reluctant farewell to the lovely campsite at Bunchrew. Set off on a perfect road to Dingwall and made fast progress. Just had to keep stopping for snacks as breakfast clearly hadnt filled the hole! Met Sis & Duncs for coffee and a toastie in Dingwall and then again 6 miles or so down the road, so that Duncs could join me to cycle up The Struie. This is a long B road that climbs up and over the hill and down to the Dornoch Firth. A long but steady climb, not as hard as General Wade's road, but was hot going. After a late picnic lunch atop The Struie, it was a sharp descent - wouldn't like to attempt it north-south! Finished the day with a long slow climb up to Lairg, then a few miles out into the wilds of loch shin to the farm we are staying at. Admin error meant that our glamping pod booking had been cancelled, but the kind owners let us pitch up on their front driveway and use their facilities. Gorgeous dinner at The Pier in Lairg was the perfect

Day 12 - Glencoe (Invercoe) to Bunchrew (Inverness)

 Best day of cycling!!  Loved it loved it!  Good job too - another longest one, at 87 miles!!  Easy spin around to Fort William, for a not-very-well-earned coffee break. Then found my way up to the Caledonian Canal, and straight up there (stunningly beautiful), to Loch Lochy (gorgeous) and along the length of Loch Ness.  Great roads and cycle paths along the water the whole way.  Apart from a 6mile slog up a really rough logging track on Loch Lochy that I could have done without. Took me about 2 hours, in the heat, and having to walk and carry my bike part-way as they were actually logging, and i had to stop until it was safe to cross.  Met the gang in North Laggan for a quick lunch and cool off. Then Dunckers joined me for the rest. Up to Fort Augustus for an ice-cream, before tackling the famous General Wade's Military Road up and over the top to the East of Loch Ness.  It was a helluva climb - 5 miles of solid climbing over the course of an hour, in the exceptional heat of the d

Day 11 - Loch Lomond to Glencoe

 I had thought this would be my favourite day, as I could only imagine how scenic it would be.  But to be perfectly honest, it was a trial from the minute I got on the bike.  Day started wonderfully well, as we met up with my old neighbours, Colin & Dianne, who I hadn't seen for 15 years, since they moved up to Helensburgh. We had a gorgeous breakfast with them in Balloch and a fab chin-wag, catching up on each others' lives over the past 15 years. So I set off with a fully belly and a happy heart.  But I started off on the very busy A82 (or is it 84), which wasn't much fun. And when I found the cycle path, that was so rough, it rattled my brain and was pretty unpleasant too.  Plus I was extremely sleep-deprived and feeling like my eyes didn't connect with my brain, which didn't connect to my body. And although parts of the route were pretty along the Loch, I just wasn't feeling it. Called the crew for an emergency van stop and had coffee, coke, cake and pea

Day 9 - Threlkeld to Moffat

Day 9. Made it to Scotland baby! Was sad to leave the beautiful Lake District but it was onwards and upwards today! It was a hard day. Lots of climbing out of Threlkeld, which although beautiful, was also slow-going, along bike lanes and farm tracks with lots of gates. Then my bike started seizing up again near the top and was really hard to push. Managed to cycle it to Dalston, where we had a pitstop and took it yet another mechanic. He bled the brakes again and it seems better now. Phew! Cycling the lake District with your brakes on is not easy, (nor sensible)! Then from Carlisle, to Gretna then Moffat was flatter, but a pretty relentless road with quite a bit of headwind. Another 72 miles today and 3,500ft climbed. Well-earned dinner in The Bull, Moffat - lovely pub and they kept the kitchen open late for us. Needed to refuel and get an early night, as today is a biggie - 80+ miles up to Loch Lomond via Glasgow. Wish us luck!! p.s. huge thank you to James in Shropshire for

Day 8 - uninterrupted cycling heaven!

BEST day yet!! Breezed up through Lancaster, and then through the gorgeous Arnside & Silverside AONB into Cumbria. Stunning scenery and lovely roads. Felt very familiar, with all the salt marsh around the estuary, and then pockets of woody hill like the Quantocks. Stopped at Sandside and had freshly van-made eggy bread for lunch with my amazing crew and it was just perfect! Then onto Kendal and stopped again, to meet the gang,so that Duncan could ride with me. Had a quick spin around town to find some Kendal Mint Cake for Vini, who had put in a special request. Then into the Lake District 'proper'. I love this part of the world so much - it's beautiful dramatic and starting to feel a bit like home (had our family holiday here last year). We rode down into Windermere to meet sis for an ice-cream, but by the time we met up, we decided against another stop, as it was getting late. Instead, pushed on u p to my beloved Grasmere for dinner and a fabulous pint of Lowes