Day 13 - Bunchrew to Lairg

Bid a rather tardy and reluctant farewell to the lovely campsite at Bunchrew. Set off on a perfect road to Dingwall and made fast progress. Just had to keep stopping for snacks as breakfast clearly hadnt filled the hole! Met Sis & Duncs for coffee and a toastie in Dingwall and then again 6 miles or so down the road, so that Duncs could join me to cycle up The Struie. This is a long B road that climbs up and over the hill and down to the Dornoch Firth. A long but steady climb, not as hard as General Wade's road, but was hot going. After a late picnic lunch atop The Struie, it was a sharp descent - wouldn't like to attempt it north-south! Finished the day with a long slow climb up to Lairg, then a few miles out into the wilds of loch shin to the farm we are staying at. Admin error meant that our glamping pod booking had been cancelled, but the kind owners let us pitch up on their front driveway and use their facilities. Gorgeous dinner at The Pier in Lairg was the perfect end to another lovely day!


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