Day 8 - uninterrupted cycling heaven!

BEST day yet!! Breezed up through Lancaster, and then through the gorgeous Arnside & Silverside AONB into Cumbria. Stunning scenery and lovely roads. Felt very familiar, with all the salt marsh around the estuary, and then pockets of woody hill like the Quantocks. Stopped at Sandside and had freshly van-made eggy bread for lunch with my amazing crew and it was just perfect! Then onto Kendal and stopped again, to meet the gang,so that Duncan could ride with me. Had a quick spin around town to find some Kendal Mint Cake for Vini, who had put in a special request.

Then into the Lake District 'proper'. I love this part of the world so much - it's beautiful dramatic and starting to feel a bit like home (had our family holiday here last year). We rode down into Windermere to meet sis for an ice-cream, but by the time we met up, we decided against another stop, as it was getting late. Instead, pushed on up to my beloved Grasmere for dinner and a fabulous pint of Loweswater Gold in Tweedies. Then it was a monster climb out of Grasmere, up and over to Threlkeld, near Keswick. Spectacular scenery, but it made me a bit giddy on my bike (or was it the beer?) and I had to take it very steady...

Lovely campsite in the foot of the hills. But we have parked under a rookery and the noise from the early hours has been unbelievable!! V little sleep had... gonna be a long day today!

Today's ride will be Threlkeld to Moffat. Our last full day before Scotland!


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