Day 12 - Glencoe (Invercoe) to Bunchrew (Inverness)

 Best day of cycling!!  Loved it loved it!  Good job too - another longest one, at 87 miles!!  Easy spin around to Fort William, for a not-very-well-earned coffee break. Then found my way up to the Caledonian Canal, and straight up there (stunningly beautiful), to Loch Lochy (gorgeous) and along the length of Loch Ness.  Great roads and cycle paths along the water the whole way.  Apart from a 6mile slog up a really rough logging track on Loch Lochy that I could have done without. Took me about 2 hours, in the heat, and having to walk and carry my bike part-way as they were actually logging, and i had to stop until it was safe to cross.  Met the gang in North Laggan for a quick lunch and cool off. Then Dunckers joined me for the rest. Up to Fort Augustus for an ice-cream, before tackling the famous General Wade's Military Road up and over the top to the East of Loch Ness.  It was a helluva climb - 5 miles of solid climbing over the course of an hour, in the exceptional heat of the day.  But as the road was smooth and quiet, and the scenery absolutely beautiful (and not vertigo-inducing), I enjoyed it all. Then down along the Loch to Dores and then to Inverness and finally Bunchrew.  Long old day, but beautiful and not scary.  Would definitely love to do again.

Ah - somehow I've lost my photos, hopefully temporarily, so will have to upload later.

Just this for now


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