Day 14 - Lairg to Bettyhill (and beyond!)

Oh what a gorgeous day! Reluctantly left the beautiful Loch Shin where we'd made friends with the farmers, their dog, chooks and alpacas. Windy day, but got absolutely blown up the hill to The Crask Inn - a famous watering hole for LEJOGERS. Quick tea& cake then on to Altnaharrana and up Loch Naver. The scenery the whole way was absolutely beautiful and the road was v quiet and relaxed. After a fab picnic at Syre, we ploughed on to Bettyhill. A beautiful little town with stunning beaches. We checked in to the Bettyhill hotel, but decided to crack on for another hour along towards JOG, to shave a bit of time off tomorrow's ride. V tough and anxious hour, battling vicious head and side winds, and the crazy fast drivers were back in force. Not looking forward to more of that tomorrow, but we have prepared to leave v early whilst the winds and traffic are lighter.. next stop JOG baby!


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