Day 9 - Threlkeld to Moffat

Day 9. Made it to Scotland baby! Was sad to leave the beautiful Lake District but it was onwards and upwards today! It was a hard day. Lots of climbing out of Threlkeld, which although beautiful, was also slow-going, along bike lanes and farm tracks with lots of gates. Then my bike started seizing up again near the top and was really hard to push. Managed to cycle it to Dalston, where we had a pitstop and took it yet another mechanic. He bled the brakes again and it seems better now. Phew! Cycling the lake District with your brakes on is not easy, (nor sensible)! Then from Carlisle, to Gretna then Moffat was flatter, but a pretty relentless road with quite a bit of headwind. Another 72 miles today and 3,500ft climbed. Well-earned dinner in The Bull, Moffat - lovely pub and they kept the kitchen open late for us. Needed to refuel and get an early night, as today is a biggie - 80+ miles up to Loch Lomond via Glasgow. Wish us luck!!

p.s. huge thank you to James in Shropshire for the donation and kind words - the kindness of strangers along the way has been really touching.


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