Caj's LEJOG 22 - 2 weeks to go

Caroline's LEJOG June 12th - 27th 2022

Two weeks to go!!!

Hard to believe that in just two weeks, I will have completed my first day of cycling on the way from Land's End to John O'Groats (covering close to 1000 miles in 15 days).  And hard to believe that this all started when I read a little article in the newspaper on my way to work about a 73 year-old grandma who cycled LEJOG in 3 weeks. I had always wanted to undertake an epic journey, but thought it would be a long walk, and that I might have to wait until the kids had grown up to have enough time to do it.  But 3 weeks sounded do-able - I could probably get 3 weeks off work (& kids) ...   So that's when I fixed on cycling from one end of the country to the other.  

I initially thought I'd go from top to bottom, as I fancied the idea of finishing in Cornwall, nearer to friends and family.  But once I started cycling seriously, I soon realised the importance of the prevailing wind, so quickly changed my mind and decided to take it south to north. 

Then my amazing sister Alison volunteered to support me and drive a camper van, rather than me having to carry all my kit and stay in B&Bs.  We didn't want anything big, as Alison didn't fancy driving a big beastie through the little Cornish lanes. So we've hired a little yellow VW transporter called Daisy from Moovans.  Anyone who knows Alison knows that cows are a bit of a theme, so it felt like fate that Daisy would be our home for the duration. She's going to be chief photographer and will be painting the landscapes all the way up, meeting up for snack & meal stops. 

My lovely boyfriend Duncan has been supporting me no end with training, helping me with refining the route and finding campsites.  He's going to join us when we get to Somerset (to not miss too many cricket matches) and come the rest of the way with us, riding with me for half-days (he's not a morning person, and has only trained for rides up to about 40 miles). And finally, my best mate Saranne is going to join us for the Scottish leg, flying up to Glasgow and hiring a car, to combine supporting me with a bit of sight-seeing and some serious walking.

So, less than 2 weeks to go until we head down to Cornwall, and I'm beyond excited!  Route is finalised and programmed into new Garmin, campsites booked, kit list mostly ticked off and assembled and bike has had a final once-over at the LBS.  I've been ramping up the miles all year - 570 miles last month and I should top that this month too, so physically I feel ready (although still daunted by the first 3 days of hard, hilly cycling. Actually, maybe cricket was just an excuse, and Duncan just wanted to avoid Cornwall & Devon!

I'm using the ride to raise funds for Cancer Research, and am very grateful to everyone who has already donated, and to my employer EY, who has pledged to match-fund the first £500 raised.  If anyone would still like to support the cause, the fundraising link is here

We'll be posting daily updates during the trip, in case you want to follow our progress. And to have a permanent record of this once-in-a-lifetime experience.   Look forward to catching up with you then x


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