
Showing posts from May, 2022

Caj's LEJOG 22 - 2 weeks to go

Caroline's LEJOG June 12th - 27th 2022 Two weeks to go!!! Hard to believe that in just two weeks, I will have completed my first day of cycling on the way from Land's End to John O'Groats (covering close to 1000 miles in 15 days).  And hard to believe that this all started when I read a little article in the newspaper on my way to work about a 73 year-old grandma who cycled LEJOG in 3 weeks. I had always wanted to undertake an epic journey, but thought it would be a long walk, and that I might have to wait until the kids had grown up to have enough time to do it.  But 3 weeks sounded do-able - I could probably get 3 weeks off work (& kids) ...   So that's when I fixed on cycling from one end of the country to the other.   I initially thought I'd go from top to bottom, as I fancied the idea of finishing in Cornwall, nearer to friends and family.  But once I started cycling seriously, I soon realised the importance of the prevailing wind, so quickly changed my min